
2018年5月31日 星期四

Another summer killing season in Chicago

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May 31, 2018


Fighting Words

Editorial: Another summer killing season in Chicago

Thursday, May 31

There are patterns to the bloodshed in Chicago: Summer weather brings more people and activity outside, creating more victims of gun violence. .

Chapman: Roseanne Barr and the persistence of prejudice

The Roseanne Barr uproar is a reminder of the racist assumptions blacks still have to contend with.

Commentary: This time, the joke was on Roseanne Barr

These bizarre times will not tolerate mealy-mouthed platitudes and weaselly equivocation on racism and bigotry.

Editorial: In awe of ordinary heroes

This spring, feats of heroism aren't confined to superhero movies. Witness the stirring exploits of these three people.

 Commentary: The carnivores of civil liberties

The traditional, self-appointed watchdogs of government overreach — the Democratic Party and investigative journalists — have turned into the carnivores of civil liberties. Why are they not in an uproar?

Commentary: Trump just canceled a high-stakes summit. In 1972, Nixon almost did the same

President Richard Nixon's Moscow summit over nuclear weapons was fraught with the same types of uncertainties Trump now faces with North Korea.

Commentary: How I would've made my 40s a happier decade of my life

Don't let anyone fool you. It's a midlife crisis alright.

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.

