
2018年8月1日 星期三

Zorn: The best tweets of the week and of the month / derangement / more shamelessness from the Blago bunch

The week's best columns, reports, tips, referrals and tirades from columnist Eric Zorn.

Chicago Tribune

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August 1, 2018


Eric Zorn's Change of Subject

The new Tweet of the Week poll has been posted! I love the one about "The Sixth Sense," and maybe it will win, as the field is, candidly, otherwise a bit weak,

Also posted, the 10 best tweets of July.  As always, these monthly recaps reflect my own idiosyncratic tastes, not reader votes. And though I note that the tweets are presented "in no particular order," the inside secret is that I do fuss with the order because I debut this list on the radio with Bill Leff and Wendy Snyder, and I try to start strong, end strong and salt the more subtle "ah ha!" tweets carefully among the "ha ha!" tweets, if you know what I mean.

I've never done stand-up comedy, but it's pretty obvious that comedians plan their sets in this way as well:  Get people laughing right away with proven, grade-A material, settle in, then end with another proven joke or bit. 

In my columns this week:

'Trump Derangement Syndrome' afflicts supporters more than critics of the president

Apparently, President Donald Trump recently discovered the phrase "Trump Derangement Syndrome," and he likes it very much!

Nothing beats the validating satisfaction of dismissing your detractors as "deranged," and it's a safe bet that supporters of every president going forward will attempt dismiss his or her detractors as sufferers of "(Insert name here) Derangement Syndrome," a disease infecting the cerebellum with the virus of partisan hatred that obliterates perspective, shatters reason and incubates hypocrisy.

But the true Trump Derangement Syndrome loose on the land is the delusion suffered by those who still think he's going to make this country a better place for average people.

Illinois lawmakers should allow secret recordings of conversations

The recently released audiotape of a September 2016 conversation between then-candidate Donald Trump and his fixer/consigliere/attorney Michael Cohen is somewhat ambiguous and partially unintelligible. But it made one thing very clear for me:

Illinois should join the majority of states and allow for so-called one-party consent in the recording of conversations….One-party consent best fits our technological age, when nearly everyone carries at least one recording device at all times and we're seeing a proliferation of wearable and in-home technology that has weakened the expectations of privacy.

The benefits of this include increased accountability all around in the public sphere, a more robust application of the right to free expression, better accuracy of court testimony and a legal system that doesn't criminalize routine behavior that's often either innocent or thoroughly justifiable.

The Harvard Law Review published a lengthy analysis of one- and two-party consent laws if you're interested.

Well, one can certainly say this about Putin:

The latest estimate from the United States Elections Project is that 39.8 percent of Americans eligible to vote (regardless of their registration status) sat out the 2016 election.

It's not shocking. In 2012, 41.4 percent of eligible voters sat it out. In 2008, 37.8 percent. In 2004, 39.3 percent. In 2000, 44.7 percent.

But it's dismaying. Two out of 5 Americans can't be bothered to help set the course of our nation. Two out of 5 Americans are willing to let the other three speak for them at the polls. Two out of 5 Americans can't be bothered to exercise the right that so many have died for.

Talk about disrespect. Talk about taking a knee.

Shameless Patti Blagojevich bets on Trump ignoring history:

Blagojevich, the former first lady of Illinois, twisted history and posed as a martyr Tuesday in a newspaper op-ed and Fox News appearance plainly designed to persuade the perpetually aggrieved Trump to use his pardon powers to free her husband from prison, as he earlier hinted he might.

Only a person famously averse to research wouldn't bother to learn that. Only a person more interested in symbolism and revenge than in facts would be moved to free the ex-governor by this brazenly false retelling of local history. Only a person too incurious to be offended would grant mercy based on a thoroughly mendacious appeal.

That's how dumb Patti Blagojevich thinks Donald Trump is.

I discussed this column with Bill & Wendy on WGN Monday morning.

If you don't subscribe to the Mincing Rascals podcast, I'm sure there's a reason. Just not a good enough reason. C'mon!




