
2018年3月27日 星期二

Chicago top cop says 2015 fatal shooting of bat-wielding teen was justified

Breaking News
Chicago Tribune
Mar 27, 2018

Chicago top cop says officer was justified in controversial 2015 shooting of bat-wielding teen, which also killed bystander

Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 2:27 PM CT

Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson has rejected a recommendation from the city's disciplinary agency that he fire an officer in a controversial 2015 shooting that killed two people, according to a letter obtained by the Tribune.

Three months after disciplinary officials called for Officer Robert Rialmo's firing, Johnson has determined that the officer was justified in shooting Quintonio LeGrier, 19, as he carried a baseball bat during a domestic incident, according to Johnson's letter to the Civilian Office of Police Accountability. Rialmo also accidentally struck and killed a bystander, Bettie Jones, 55.

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