
2018年3月25日 星期日

Illinois must change or die. What’s your plan, Mr. Pritzker?

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March 25, 2018


Fighting Words

Illinois must change or die. What's your plan, Mr. Pritzker?

Friday, Mar 23

As the race for governor between Democrat J.B. Pritzker and Republican Bruce Rauner heats up, we want to know from each candidate: What is your plan to revive Illinois?

Rauner as broken record: Madigan isn't the only issue in this campaign

Rauner should contrast his record with Pritzker's as they head into the November election, not simply blame House Speaker Michael Madigan for the state's woes.

Will the Democrats blow it in 2020?

Columnist Steve Chapman on the two mistakes the Democrats should avoid in 2020: the wrong candidate and the wrong policies.

10 things you might not know about Robert Mueller

Here are 10 facts, just the facts, about Robert Mueller.

Why nobody complained when Obama used Facebook data

There are significant differences between the way Barack Obama's campaign mined data from Facebook, and the activities of which Cambridge Analytica is accused, writes Clarence Page.

As the Holocaust-denier candidate proves, nomination by petition is a lousy idea, but the best one we have

Voters too often mindlessly sign candidate petitions and vote for their party — as the 20,000 votes for neo-Nazi Arthur Jones show. Also, Andrea Raila does not deserve a revote, writes Eric Zorn.

John Bolton. Then what?

President Donald Trump's new national security adviser John Bolton is well-known for provocative views. Every time Bolton suggests a dramatic act, Trump should ask, "After I do that, then what?"

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.

