
2018年3月2日 星期五

Uber and Lyft make traffic worse | Amazon HQ2 clues | Blue Sky Social is back | More top stories from Blue Sky Innovation

Blue Sky Innovation: Fresh ideas from Chicago's most creative minds delivered right to your inbox every week.

Chicago Tribune

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March 2, 2018


The Friday Exit

Studies are increasingly clear: Uber and Lyft congest cities

Monday, Feb 26

One promise of ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft was fewer cars clogging city streets. But studies suggest the opposite: that ride-hailing companies are pulling riders off buses, subways, bicycles and their own feet and putting them in cars instead. 

Mark your calendars: Blue Sky Social is headed to Highline

Join us as April 5 as Blue Sky Innovation hosts the latest event in its networking series, this time in the shadow of the Merchandise Mart.

How to create a free flow of information between leaders and employees

You don't have to go undercover to talk to your front-line employees. Here are some ideas to help you create a culture of free-flowing information.

The Amazon headquarters search mystery has been solved! Or has it?

No one really knows where Amazon will plant HQ2. But a handful of clues point strongly to five cities.

Chase's CEO says he wants the same tax breaks Amazon gets for HQ2

Jamie Dimon wants the Jeff Bezos deal for JPMorgan Chase.

Column: Workplace monitoring gets personal, and employees fear it's too close for comfort. They're right.

Companies are tapping new technology to keep an eye on employees. The monitoring goes beyond security cameras to include device worn by workers.

Apple is going all in on full-screen phones, this report says

Apple is preparing to release a trio of new smartphones later this year, including the largest iPhone ever.

