
2018年2月23日 星期五

Pawar disses Biss for holding news conference near Pritzker's home

Catch up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield.

Chicago Tribune

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February 23, 2018


Morning Spin


When state Sen. Daniel Biss held a news conference Thursday to announce another progressive endorsement in his Democratic primary campaign for governor, he used rival candidate J.B. Pritzker's Gold Coast home as the backdrop.

"Now Astor Street is trying to buy the governor's mansion, $56 million deep in this campaign, trying to tell the Democratic primary voters of Illinois, that in this era of Trump and Rauner, an inexperienced billionaire is what we need," Biss said, without using Pritzker's name.

Pritzker's campaign declined to comment, but at least one politician took issue with the setting.

"This is disappointing," tweeted North side Ald. Ameya Pawar, a former candidate for governor who like Biss had courted progressive Democratic voters.

Biss was accepting the endorsement of the national Our Revolution group, an offshoot of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign. His news conference came in the hours before Sanders appeared elsewhere with congressional hopeful Jesus "Chuy" Garcia.

Garcia is backing Kenilworth developer Chris Kennedy. Though Garcia acknowledged him from the stage, Kennedy did not join Sanders and other candidates to take a bow at the end of the senator's remarks.

Pritzker, meanwhile, announced the endorsement from a handful of Rock Island County Democratic officials, including state Rep. Mike Halpin.


What's on tap

*Mayor Rahm Emanuel will make a business announcement.

*Gov. Bruce Rauner will attend a National Engineers Week event in Springfield and tour a business in Champaign.

*U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth will speak to a leadership lunch in Chicago.

*Democratic attorney general candidate Kwame Raoul will make a campaign announcement at a Chicago rally including Secretary of State Jesse White.

*The Chicago City Council Committee on Workforce Development and Audit committee will consider changing a sexual harassment ordinance.


From the notebook 

*Rauner "open to discussing" gun plans: Gov. Rauner on Thursday didn't commit either way on a Democratic proposal to license gun shops in Illinois.

"Illinois already has some of the toughest gun laws in America," Rauner said. "I'm certainly open to discussing various ideas. We'll have a good conversation."

He was asked in Bloomington about the plan that started advancing in Springfield this week. Under it, anyone who sells, leases or transfers firearms would have to be licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. 

Opponents argue that gun sellers are already licensed by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which requires background checks.

*Early voting hiccup: Folks who tried to cast Democratic ballots Thursday at the city's sole early-voting location were turned away if they lived in the Southwest Side 7th County Board district, which covers about one-tenth of Chicago.

That's because a Circuit Court judge restored Raul Montes Jr. to the 7th District ballot for now. Election officials knocked him off, but an appeal continues.

Chicago Board of Elections officials said they were reprogramming the touch screens being used at 16 W. Adams St. so they'd be ready to go again Friday morning. (Hal Dardick)

*On "The Sunday Spin": Tribune political reporter Rick Pearson's guests will be Biss, Comptroller Susana Mendoza and 3rd District Democratic congressional candidate Marie Newman.  "The Sunday Spin" airs from 7 to 9 a.m. on WGN-AM 720.


What we're writing

*Pritzker rhetoric doesn't match reality on promoting women at investment firm.

*Illinois attorney general candidate Erika Harold says DuPage Republican official used N-word, asked if she was a "lesbo."

*Sen. Bernie Sanders says he needs "Chuy" Garcia in Congress to stand up to President Donald Trump.

*As Obama Presidential Center comes closer to reality, race and class tensions surface.

*Emanuel blasts Trump remarks on arming teachers as "absurd." Teachers union official calls it "insanity."

*Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart says hundreds of accused gun offenders being released from jail on electronic monitors.

*Riverwalk bar and restaurant deals advance, despite noise complaints about vendor featuring live "island music."

*New tax law could make divorces more contentious.


What we're reading

*After homeless man freezes to death in West Town alley, neighbors continue to care for his feral cat colony.

*Legendary Carol's Pub poised to reopen in Uptown in coming months.

*Mortgage rates move higher again.


Follow the money

*The 31st Ward Democratic Organization chaired by Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios gives his campaign a $300,000 contribution.

*Track Illinois campaign contributions in real time here and here.


Beyond Chicago

*Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens indicted on felony invasion of privacy charge.

*Florida Gov. Rick Scott faces heat over high NRA rating.

*Trump suggests bonuses for teachers who carry guns.

*Special counsel Robert Mueller files new charges against Trump associates.


