
2017年12月30日 星期六

Thank you for being a loyal reader. Please enjoy this month's selects.

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  Chicago Tribune
Thank you for being a loyal reader
Please enjoy this month's Chicago Tribune selects.
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Still no plans for New Year's Eve dinner? Let us help. Every year, dining critic Phil Vettel makes NYE dinner reservations in his name and then offers them up to lucky readers.
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Flip through a gallery of memorable moments from 2017 as captured by Chicago Tribune photojournalists. Print subscribers will get a commemorative Year in Photos section delivered on Dec. 31.
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Tax Divide
Under Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios, assessments of commercial and industrial properties defy logic, punish taxpayers and enrich lawyers. Our watchdog investigation peels back more on a staggering pattern of inequality in property taxes.
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Dirty John
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