
2018年2月2日 星期五

Someone please explain "conflict of interest" to Ald. Ed Burke

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February 2, 2018


Fighting Words

Someone please explain 'conflict of interest' to Ald. Ed Burke

Friday, Feb 2

Does the city of Chicago have any meaningful ethics laws? And if so, do they apply to Ald. Ed Burke? Stay tuned. The Chicago Board of Ethics has been asked to decide whether Burke broke the rules by sidelining a measure that could be costly to his law clients.

A Cook County property tax study has been delayed. How convenient for Berrios.

We're sure it's a coincidence that the Cook County property tax study is taking longer than expected and that the delay has nothing to do with the fact Assessor Joe Berrios faces two opponents in the March 20 election. Right.

Choosing — I mean deciding — to listen closely to Gov. Rauner

Gov. Bruce Rauner's words matter, so Eric Zorn listened carefully to them this week and found some curiosities.

'Hate speech' is no reason to ban Bannon

Here's why the "hate speech isn't free speech" argument used in calls to ban Steve Bannon from speaking at the University of Chicago is feeble.

In our PC culture, is there room for critical thought?

Today's college students are political, but not very intellectual.

A new job description could save Chief Illiniwek

The University of Illinois should save Chief Illiniwek and let him be a symbol of the school's new commitment to the Native American community.

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.

