
2017年12月14日 星期四

Emanuel breaks silence on Berrios, calls for review of property tax assessments

Catch up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield.

Chicago Tribune

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December 14, 2017


Morning Spin


Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been mostly quiet as Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios has been under fire following a Chicago Tribune-ProPublica Illinois investigation.

In June, the investigation showed how Berrios' office had produced inaccurate residential property tax assessment that burdened poorer homeowners. Last week, the investigation revealed Berrios' office failed to properly value commercial and industrial properties, forcing homeowners to pay more in property taxes than they would have otherwise. (You can read the whole series here.)

The fallout led Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to call for a review of the fundamentally flawed system, the county's inspector general to investigate and fellow Democrats to endorse challenger Fritz Kaegi in the March Democratic primary.

Democratic governor candidate Chris Kennedy and Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner recently called on Berrios to resign. On Tuesday, Emanuel suggested Rauner should focus on his own shortcomings, but the mayor did not wade into the controversy on the assessment system and declined to say whether Berrios should resign.

That changed Wednesday when Emanuel was asked, given the news organizations' investigation, if he had concerns about whether the county's assessment system was fair, especially at a time when Emanuel's administration at City Hall and CPS has raised property taxes by $1.2 billion to pay for pensions and fund the school district. 

"I know your paper has done a series of investigatory pieces," Emanuel said in a brief response. "I think there needs to be a look at it to make sure there is fairness across the system."

The mayor did not say what form such a review should take, nor did he mention Preckwinkle's effort on that front. Emanuel did, however, point to his own efforts in Springfield to secure an increase in the homeowners exemption, which he said shows City Hall was "very respectful of our homeowners."

The mayor also was asked if he would send more city attorneys to challenge the assessment appeals filed on behalf of major commercial property owners, some filed by law firms owned by House Speaker Michael Madigan and Ald. Ed Burke, since lower tax bills granted in such appeals leave homeowners with a heavier burden. 

"I'm not going to speak to that at this point," said Emanuel, dodging the question. "I appreciate that."

At the end of his news conference Wednesday, Emanuel was asked whether he would be endorsing Berrios. He did not answer the question. (Bill Ruthhart)


What's on tap

*Mayor Emanuel will join the City Clerk in launching the Chicago Municipal ID pilot program and later give introductory remarks at "A Conversation with Greg Kot and Mavis Staples."

*Gov. Bruce Rauner will be in southern Illinois, visiting businesses and farmers in Fairfield, Carmi and Ridgway.


From the notebook 

*Pritzker gives campaign more money: Billionaire Democratic governor candidate J.B. Pritzker is up to $42.2 million in self-funding his campaign after his latest $7 million deposit was reported to the State Board of Elections.

Pritzker has made six contributions of $7 million each to his campaign — in April, June, August, October, last month and now Dec. 6, records show.

An heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, entrepreneur and investor, Pritzker broke the self-funding record for a Democratic candidate in Illinois with his Nov. 3 donation. That topped the $28.6 million that Blair Hull put into his failed 2004 Democratic primary bid for the U.S. Senate.

Rauner put $27.6 million of his wealth into his 2014 victory over Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. In December, he gave his re-election bid $50 million(Rick Pearson)

*Billionaire wins lottery: Pritzker won the top spot on the March 20 Democratic primary ballot for governor after a lottery drawing the State Board of Elections held Wednesday.

Candidates who were in line to turn in petition signatures at 8 a.m. on the first day of filing last month were in the lottery to have their names listed first when ballots are printed.

As a result of the drawing at the elections board offices in Springfield, the ballot order in the Democratic primary for governor is: Pritzker, Kennedy, Daniel Biss, Terry Getz, Bob Daiber, Tio Hardiman and Robert Marshall. Pritzker, Kennedy and Biss were the only opening day 8 a.m. filers.

The lottery results also gave former Gov. Pat Quinn the top ballot spot in the crowded primary for the Democratic nomination for attorney general.

As a result, the ballot order is Quinn, Renato Mariotti, Scott Drury, Nancy Rotering, Kwame Raoul, Jesse Ruiz, Sharon Fairley and Aaron Goldstein. Ruiz, Fairley and Goldstein filed on the last possible day, entering them in a separate lottery for the last ballot spot. (Rick Pearson)

*Gutierrez endorses Berrios: Days after two African-American congressmen endorsed asset manager Fritz Kaegi in the Democratic primary for Cook County assessor, the state's only Latino congressman is backing Berrios.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Chicago called Berrios "a good friend and brother" and dismissed Kaegi as "a Wall Street Republican who has dedicated his career to profiting off the backs of working families."

That's in keeping with the Berrios campaign's attempt to portray Kaegi as out of sync with county voters. The Kaegi camp, however, maintains he is a "lifelong progressive Democrat."

The Gutierrez endorsement comes three days after two black congressmen — U.S. Rep. Danny Davis of Chicago and U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly of Matteson — endorsed Kaegi.

They pointed to a ProPublica-Tribune investigation that concluded Berrios' property tax assessments favored owners of more expensive homes and commercial properties at the expense of owners of less-costly homes and business properties.

Gutierrez's endorsement puts him at odds with Cook County Commissioner Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, a Chicago Democrat whom Gutierrez has endorsed to replace him in Congress.

Kaegi also has been endorsed by a host of self-styled progressive Democrats, including Garcia. Also running in the March Democratic primary is property tax consultant Andrea Raila. (Hal Dardick)

*Preckwinkle sticks with Berrios: And County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, a longtime Berrios ally, said she continues to support his re-election bid.

"I think the voters will have an opportunity in March, and we'll see what they decide," she said.

Her comments came after the board's four Republican commissioners, along with Democrat Richard Boykin of Oak Park, introduced competing resolutions to call Berrios before a committee for an update on the progress of a study of the assessment system that Preckwinkle announced in July.

"I don't have any concerns about delays in the report getting done," Preckwinkle said Wednesday. (Hal Dardick)

*South Dakota governor: "Don't become Illinois": The Republican governor of South Dakota responded to criticism from Iowa's largest newspaper with a warning to the Hawkeye State: "Don't become like Illinois."

In an op-ed, Gov. Dennis Daugaard took offense to a Des Moines Register editorial that said a state Republican-backed tax plan would "turn Iowa into South Dakota."

Daugaard lauded former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, now the U.S. ambassador to China, and his successor, Gov. Kim Reynolds, who "understand the importance of sound fiscal management."

"I'm sure that is why Iowa, like South Dakota, enjoys a AAA bond rating," Daugaard wrote. "I'd be less concerned about following South Dakota's example, and more concerned about suggestions to emulate the high-tax, high-borrowing example of your neighbor to the east, Illinois." (Rick Pearson) 

*Quick spins: Democratic attorney general candidate and Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering has picked up the endorsement of Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Evanston. ... Kelly Mazeski of Barrington Hills, a Democratic candidate for Congress in the west and northwest suburban 6th District seat held by Republican U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, has received the backing of the Illinois Democratic County Chairmen's Association.


What we're writing

*Illinois' home health care industry rife with fraud, tainted by unscrupulous physicians.

*Anatomy of Medicare fraud.

*Cook County voters will be asked in a so-called "reeferendum" whether they favor legalizing marijuana.

*Aldermen approve $31 million settlement for Englewood Four after airing differences.

*CTA OKs 25-cent fare hikes.

*Roskam praises Republican tax compromise as Democrats push back hard.

*Alderman calls plan for 80-story tower, two others in Lakeshore East "rejected."

*Laquan McDonald reporter won't be required to testify at Chicago cop's hearing, judge says.

*Aldermen want Chicago airport security to be designated "police" again.

*End of an era for CPS science fair at Museum of Science and Industry.

*Illinois video gambling parlors must split profits with terminal operators, judge rules.


What we're reading

*13 deaths in 3 years at an Illinois veterans home.

*Cook County jury rules against doctor, awards family of Gizzell Ford $48 million.

*Billy Goat Tavern gets new beers.


Follow the money

*Track Illinois campaign contributions in real time here and here.


Beyond Chicago

*Republican compromise tax plan would expand cuts for the wealthy.

*Fed raises interest rates.

*What the Alabama Senate result means.

*Deputy AG defends Mueller.

