
2017年12月19日 星期二

What you need to know about Rauner's 'Top 10' accomplishments list

Catch up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield.

Chicago Tribune

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December 19, 2017


Morning Spin


In the grand tradition of year-end list-making, Gov. Bruce Rauner's campaign released a "2017 Rauner Top 10" list, a collection billed as the first-term governor's "biggest accomplishments this past year."

Such lists inevitably generate hot takes, and this one prompted the well-funded campaign of Democrat J.B. Pritzker to throw shade at the governor via its own tongue-in-cheek Top 10 list.

In the grand tradition of campaign ad truth-squadding, here are a few things to know about Rauner's Top 10:

*No. 1 on the list is the state education funding overhaul approved this summer. Rauner signed the bill in late August, joined by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and top Democrats. The ceremony capped a major about-face for Rauner, who spent months trashing previous versions of the bill as a "bailout" for Chicago Public Schools. (He vetoed one.) In the end, the measure he signed sent CPS even more money.

*The school funding bill also created a controversial private school scholarship program sought by Republicans and Cardinal Blase Cupich. Team Rauner broke it out as a separate item on the Top 10 list, however, coming in at No. 2.

*Coming in at No. 3 is his signature on a so-called clean energy bill. He signed the bill Dec. 7, 2016. (Although he did hold an event last week to mark the one-year anniversary of the law, which raises electricity rates on Illinois residents and businesses to bail out a pair of Exelon's nuclear power plants. On average, it'll cost ComEd customers an extra 25 cents, or $4.54 a month, depending on who is doing the math.)

*Down at No. 6 is Rauner's veto of the 32 percent state income tax rate increase, which his campaign called the "(Speaker) Madigan Tax Hike." Of course, lawmakers overrode Rauner's veto, raising taxes in the biggest defection of Republicans from Rauner to date.

*Bringing up the rear at No. 10 on this list is an accomplishment simply labeled "Amazon." Did Illinois or Chicago land the mega-retailer's second headquarters? Well, no. That decision hasn't been made yet. But the state applied (along with 237 other locales). The city and state have offered a $2 billion incentive package.

You can read the Rauner campaign's full list here.


What's on tap

*Mayor Emanuel has no public schedule.

*Gov. Rauner has no public events.

*The State Board of Elections meets and could talk about removing Democrat Terry Getz from the primary ballot for governor. He didn't file any petition signatures.

*An Illinois House committee meets to talk about transportation infrastructure.

*Outgoing 1871 CEO Howard Tullman will be at the City Club.


From the notebook 

*Special education meeting canceled: Aldermen who want a chance to grill school officials about shortfalls in the CPS budget are complaining about the cancellation of a hearing to look into special education funding.

The City Council's Education Committee was scheduled to hear from CPS on Tuesday. A resolution filed last month called for then-district CEO Forrest Claypool, Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson and Head of Special Education Elizabeth Keenan to testify about special education cuts raised by an October WBEZ report.

Claypool announced his resignation this month after the school district's watchdog accused him of orchestrating a "full-blown cover-up." Emanuel named Jackson interim CEO.

Education Committee Chairman Ald. Howard Brookins canceled the meeting Friday. He could not be reached Monday, and a notice doesn't say why.

"We urgently need this hearing," Progressive Caucus Chair Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd, said in a statement. "CPS leadership must answer for the findings of this report, which demonstrate that, likely in violation of state and federal law, CPS redirected funds intended for students with special needs, and significantly reduced the programs and specialized supportive services for special education."

The Education Committee has little power to order changes to special education funding. School officials and the Board of Education chosen by Emanuel control the purse strings at the district. But the hearing would have given council critics of Emanuel's education policies an opportunity to highlight problems and press for an elected school board.

Meanwhile, the State Board of Education has launched an unprecedented inquiry of its own into special education funding at CPS. (John Byrne)

*Biss unveils criminal justice plan: Democratic governor candidate Dan Biss unveiled his plan to change the state's criminal justice system, calling for ends to both a "racist" war on drugs and a cash bail system.

The state senator from Evanston said he wants to fund the judicial system "responsibly," reduce recidivism, and increase accountability, transparency and training.

Biss called for the legalization of marijuana and to "end the racist war on drugs." He also backs treating drug addiction as a health issue rather than a criminal one.

On financial matters, Biss said the state Department of Corrections should be prohibited from trying to collect debt from formerly imprisoned people. The state should end cash bond, consider ability to pay when court costs are imposed, allow repayment of debt through community service and use pretrial detention only to promote public safety.

"Since the 1980s, failed 'tough on crime' policies have contributed to racial disparities at every level of our criminal justice system, including youth incarceration. Black and brown people are far more likely to be overpoliced, profiled, arrested, convicted, and to serve much harsher sentences than their white counterparts," Biss said in a statement.

He also said he would "proactively exercise clemency powers to address unfair sentencing and reduce prison population."

As for gun violence, Biss said he would back programs to treat the problem as a public health issue and seek legislation to restrict multiple gun purchases within a set time span in addition to a ban on bump stocks, assault weapons and expanded-capacity magazines. (Rick Pearson)


What we're writing

*Rauner reminds abortion foes he's got deep pockets to help them.

*Cook County court clerk wants another year to go paperless, after recently saying she was ready. 

*Illinois Supreme Court to review Highland Park cyclist's lawsuit.

*Food stamp benefits disrupted for thousands as state launches new eligibility system.


What we're reading

*Bitcoin hits the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

*Tiger Woods' Chicago golf project is in the rough.

*Who will get the golden doughnut?


Follow the money

*Democratic state Senate President John Cullerton reported $138,100 in contributions, and the Senate Democratic Victory Fund he controls reported $163,000.

*Track Illinois campaign contributions in real time here and here.


Beyond Chicago

*House set to vote on Republican tax bill today.

*Pence puts off Middle East trip for potential Senate tax vote later this week.

*Potential government shutdown looms at the end of the week.

*Multiple deaths from Amtrak derailing near Seattle.

