
2018年1月30日 星期二

Democrats: Hand over more info about Russian hack of voter data

Catch up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield.

Chicago Tribune

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January 30, 2018


Morning Spin


Two U.S. House Democrats from the Chicago suburbs want to compel a federal agency to turn over more details about Russian attempts during the 2016 presidential election to hack state election systems in Illinois and 20 other states.

U.S. Reps. Robin Kelly of Matteson and Raja Krishnamoorthi of Schaumburg signed onto a letter to that effect sent to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. Both Illinois lawmakers sit on the committee.

Last year, an Illinois State Board of Elections official said the identification of 3,000 state voters had been viewed by hackers and possibly up to 80,000 more, but that no voter data had been manipulated. That information remains up to date, board spokesman Matt Dietrich said Monday.

Fifteen other Democrats on the oversight committee joined the Illinoisans in a letter complaining they've been stonewalled after months of seeking more information from the Department of Homeland Security about the hackings.

Kelly said in a statement that Congress was obligated to help states develop technologies to prevent election interference and could not do that "if the Trump Administration continues to actively conceal critical documents."

The Democrats want documents about Russian government-backed attempts to hack election systems, the tools and tactics used and the follow-up conversations DHS had with states. (Katherine Skiba)


What's on tap

*Mayor Rahm Emanuel will attend the graduation of new police officers.

*Gov. Bruce Rauner has no public events scheduled.

*The Democratic governor candidates will debate at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale at 6:30 p.m. WSIL-TV says the station, the Daily Herald and Carbondale Times will stream the event via Facebook Live.

*Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle will talk to medical professionals about gun violence and public health at the Cook County medical examiner's office.

*The Illinois House and Senate meet.

*The Democrats running to replace U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez will meet for a forum. Starting at 6:30 p.m., it will be streamed live online at ABC7Chicago.com and UnivisionChicago.com, as well as both stations' Facebook pages.

*Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Ald. Toni Foulkes and others will unveil a report on debt and poverty.

*Democratic attorney general candidate and former Gov. Pat Quinn will have a news conference about checking account fees.

*A reminder: President Donald Trump will give his State of the Union address.


From the notebook 

*Stroger, Acevedo booted from ballot: Former Cook County Board President Todd Stroger was kicked off the March primary ballot Monday, as was candidate for sheriff and former state lawmaker Edward Acevedo.

The Cook County Electoral Board on Monday removed Stroger and three other Metropolitan Water Reclamation District candidates — Elizabeth Joyce, Rene Avila and Toni Williams. A hearing officer determined their slate was 2,300 valid petition signatures short of the 8,075 required to run. Robert Shaw, a former alderman and Board of (Tax) Review commissioner, also was removed from the ballot for lack of enough valid signatures.

Acevedo, who was challenging Sheriff Tom Dart, was found to be 2,582 signatures short of the 8,236 he needed.

Stroger, his other slate members, Acevedo, Shaw and Andrea Raila had filed a federal lawsuit to block an action by the Electoral Board against them, saying the signature requirements in their races were unconstitutionally high. But a judge last week ruled against them.

Raila is running for Cook County assessor, and a lengthy hearing about whether she has enough signatures to stay on the ballot continued Monday. 

Meanwhile, a hearing officer has determined that Ald. Howard Brookins, 21st, was 251 short of the 1,000 he needed to run for Cook County Circuit Court judge. Brookins said he planned to challenge the decision in court, citing the shorter signature-gathering period that resulted after a judge resigned from the post he sought. (Hal Dardick)

*Newman asserts people are "Done with Dan": Democrat Marie Newman on Tuesday will begin airing a 30-second TV ad that attacking U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski.

The spot is Newman's first in her attempt to unseat the seven-term incumbent from Western Springs.

"The more Democrats learn about conservative Dan Lipinski, the more they're done with Dan," the ad begins.

"Lipinski co-sponsored 52 bills to restrict a woman's right to choose and repeatedly votes to defund Planned Parenthood. Lipinski voted against the Dream Act, still opposes marriage equality and was the only Democrat in Illinois to vote against Obamacare," it continues.

The ad closes by saying there's a "better Democrat for working families" and notes that Newman is "100 percent pro-choice and supports our immigrant and LGBTQ communities."

In response, Lipinski said in a statement: "I don't oppose same-sex marriage, and I support and am working on legislation to give Dreamers a pathway to citizenship."

Newman is from La Grange and has worked in advertising and marketing. Campaign manager Erik Wallenius declined to say Monday what was being spent on the ad but said it will air through the March 20 primary on MSNBC, CNN, the USA Network and other cable channels. (Katherine Skiba)

*Madigan starts consent decree website: Attorney General Lisa Madigan on Monday launched a website that strives to provide and solicit information as her office push for a federal consent decree on police reform in Chicago.

In August, Madigan sued Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration in an effort to force court oversight of any reforms to the Police Department, after a yearlong U.S. Justice Department investigation found a broken police force with a pattern of misconduct and excessive force. Madigan's new website has an outlet for residents "to provide feedback about their experiences with the police department and how to improve public safety, which will help inform the terms of the consent decree." (Bill Ruthhart)

*Quick spin: Democratic governor candidate Daniel Biss won the endorsement of Our Revolution Illinois, an offshoot formed by followers of Sen. Bernie Sanders.


What we're writing

*Ives attacks Rauner in what's likely to be their only meeting before the primary.

*Watch the video of Rauner and Ives here.

*Reps. Rush, Davis bring to 3 the number of State of the Union skippers from Illinois.

*Chicago State bitterly cancels Vallas' contract following his comments about a potential run for mayor.

*Veteran of war in Afghanistan loses appeal, could be deported soon, attorney says.


What we're reading

*Foxconn wants 7 million gallons of Lake Michigan water every day.

*Indiana lawmakers move toward raising smoking age to 21.

*"Uphill battle" predicted for Outcome Health after settlement with investors.


Follow the money

*Ives' campaign reported a $500,000 contribution from Richard Uihlein, a conservative Lake Forest businessman who previously had helped bankroll Rauner's political efforts. (See this story.)

*Former Republican comptroller and Rauner administration official Leslie Munger gives comptroller candidate Darlene Senger $20,000.

*Track Illinois campaign contributions in real time here and here.


Beyond Chicago

*FBI deputy director steps down.

*House committee votes to release Russia memo.

*Strava fitness app can reveal military sites.

*Cleveland Indians to drop logo

