
2018年1月31日 星期三

The week's best tweets / Are Chris Kennedy and Gov. Rauner flaming out?

The week's best columns, reports, tips, referrals and tirades from columnist Eric Zorn.

Chicago Tribune

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January 31, 2018


Eric Zorn's Change of Subject

There are 10  finalists in the brand new Tweet of the Week poll.  

Last week's winner — "Everyone said the hamster catapult wasn't appropriate for the science fair, but no one could stop watching," by @Smug_Lemur surprised me. I wasn't even sure whether to include it among the finalists, but as my tastes run toward Addams-Family-ish quips, I went ahead.

My favorite this week is "So it turns out that the cookie dough flavored toothpaste I have been using is actually just real cookie dough" by @Cheeseboy22. But please go vote up your favorites.

I stuck to Illinois politics for all three columns this past week, though I am obsessively alarmed at what's been going on in Washington, where the norms and common sense are crumbling in the name of defending President Donald Trump.

Friday: Kennedy fail: Camelot has become Goofalot in the race for governor, about the flame-out candidacy of RFK's son Chris Kennedy's first bid for office.

Had Kennedy simply frozen up — the way Rick Perry did in that presidential primary debate when he could name only two of the three federal agencies he planned to close — and bleated that he couldn't think of anything, that would have been unfortunate. But he compounded the error with a rambling, over-the-top and baseless accusation of corruption against frontrunner J.B. Pritzker. Unfortunate became unhinged, evidence that Kennedy lacks political chops despite his family's political pedigree, one that includes the fondly remembered "Camelot" administration of his uncle, President John Kennedy.

Though I agree with him on many issues, Kennedy's greatest weakness is that he simply isn't ready to play the game at this level.

Sunday: Mixed verdict in state sex-harassment investigation a victory for process, about the apparent conclusion to a strange complaint in Springfield:

Although Democratic state Sen. Ira Silverstein's intentions were pretty clearly unwholesome — the inspector general  scoffed in her report at his "denial of any sexual connotations at all to the messages" to activist Denise Rotheimer when she interviewed him — as well as unbecoming a legislator, they were not, by any objective standard, sinister or predatory.

Whether or not he's re-elected, his reputation has suffered a major blow. Those excruciating Facebook messages will never go away.

What has not been harmed here, however, is the idea that women who feel sexually harassed should get a fair hearing. The thoroughness of this investigation should be a model for how all such complaints are handled in the future.

Wednesday: By Rauner's own standards, he's a miserable failure on jobs, about our plutocratic governor's phony posturing on employment:

Is Bruce Rauner an even more miserable failure on jobs than his predecessor, Pat Quinn? The answer is clearly yes. Rauner has failed to deliver, under-performed his predecessor and exposed his hypocrisy and fecklessness.  

Your week will be complete if you download and listen to The Mincing Rascals on iTunes or wherever fine, free audio podcasts are served. WGN-AM's John Williams anchors a news-review chat show that usually includes me and some combination of Steve Bertrand, Scott Stantis, Kristen McQueary and Patti Vasquez.

