
2018年4月27日 星期五

A state minimum salary for teachers? Good intentions, bad policy

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April 27, 2018


Fighting Words

Another state mandate: Telling tapped-out taxpayers to pay teachers more

Thursday, Apr 26

Democrats in Springfield are pushing legislation that would require public school districts to pay teachers a minimum salary of $40,000. The idea is intended to address a teacher shortage mostly outside Chicago in rural districts that struggle to fill openings and retain staff. But requiring already cash-strapped districts and property taxpayers to shoulder yet another mandate from Springfield is not the answer.

It's only logical — 16-year-olds should have the right to vote

This latest spate of teen activism underscores that it's time to let 16-year-olds vote, writes Eric Zorn.

America can't decide what to do with the first lady

The way we react to Melania Trump and Barbara Bush says a lot about how we view the role of first lady.

Macron embraces Trump — and elegantly knifes him in the back

French President Emmanuel Macron might've pulled off the best approach yet to President Donald Trump.

Scare us thin? NAFTA doesn't hafta

The Trump administration fights warning labels for high-sugar, high-fat foods.

'Boozy mom culture'? What about 'boozy dad culture'?

The dads of America have been enjoying casual drinking for decades without judgment. Why aren't they criticized for throwing back a few?

The Willow Creek community deserves justice, not just 'understanding'

Church elders have failed to recognize that ex-pastor Bill Hybels' inappropriate conduct was a breach of power and spiritual authority.

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.

