
2018年4月30日 星期一

Gainer says big mayoral field won't deter her as she considers bid

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Chicago Tribune

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April 30, 2018


Morning Spin


Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer, a North Side Democrat considering a challenge to Mayor Rahm Emanuel, said the growing early field of contenders is not a deterrent for her.

"Actually I think the size of the field makes it really interesting," Gainer said Sunday on WGN AM-720. "Everybody who puts themselves into this race brings a different perspective and it's going to represent and engage more people."

Gainer said a large field could raise interest in the race and voter turnout in 2019.

"Whatever it's going to take to make someone feel like they see someone who represents what they want and what they need and what they see for this city in a race — I think that that's incredibly positive," she said.

Democratic political consultant Tom Bowen, who has been an Emanuel strategist, said Sunday that there is an "angry" electorate. But Gainer said it's not anger that will drive turnout.

"Everything is about turnout and work and being methodical and getting out there. And just because people are angry on Facebook doesn't mean they're going to show up to the voting booth. And I think part of the job of anybody who not just cares about the future of Chicago but is involved in politics is to get people over just yelling about things and showing up because that's the hard part," she said.

"You can yell at your Facebook all you want. That's not going to change anything," she said. "I mean, I always think of that line, 'The revolution will not be televised.' It will certainly also not be on Facebook. And so if you really want a revolution, you've got to show up and make it yourself."

Those who have said they're running in the February 2019 election against Emanuel include Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown, businessman Willie Wilson, former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas, former Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Chicago principals association President Troy LaRaviere, tech entrepreneur Neal Sales-Griffin and community activist Ja'Mal Green. Chicago Police Board President Lori Lightfoot also is considering a bid. (Rick Pearson)

What's on tap

*Mayor Rahm Emanuel will have announce a new police "nerve center" in Chicago Lawn.

*Gov. Bruce Rauner has no public events scheduled.

*Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle will have a downtown event to announce an internship program.

*Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas and others will hold a downtown news conference about the deadline to pay back property taxes ahead of a May 4 tax sale.

*The City Club of Chicago hosts a discussion about the city's new municipal ID.

*The week ahead: On Tuesday, the Illinois Senate starts its session for the week. And Alds. Patrick O'Connor, Roderick Sawyer and Gilbert Villegas will be on a City Club panelOn Friday, applications to succeed retiring Ald. Michael Zalewski in the 23rd Ward are due.

From the notebook

*House Higher Ed chair says closing universities would be devastating: Democratic state Rep. Emanuel "Chris" Welch of Hillside said the closing any state universities because of state underfunding would "decimate" their home communities.

The chairman of the House Higher Education Committee said the state needs to help schools still struggling after the historic budget impasse ended last year.

"Some of the universities that have really struggled are like Western Illinois in Macomb, Eastern Illinois in Charleston, Chicago State on the South Side of Chicago, Northeastern here on the North Side of Chicago. You want to close one of those schools? Decimate that community," Welch said on WGN AM-720.

"Those regional universities mean everything to those regions of the state. And so, again, when I say we lift up the Illinois economy, we do it by investing in them all. We don't want to close any of those. We have to make SIU Carbondale successful again. That community is going to be completely destroyed and devastated. It's hurting badly and we can help it if we do the right thing with our higher education system," he said.

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale has seen a sharp decline in students following the budget impasse. Backers of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, located in the Illinois suburbs of St. Louis, are seeking a greater share of funding as its student population grows.

"What universities are doing to compensate for the lower amounts of (state) appropriation is they're raising their tuition. Raising your tuition is leading to students leaving our state. So it's going to be critical that we look at ways to increase the revenues back to our higher education system," Welch said.

"If you invest in higher education, it's going to pay off itself. The students are going to stay here and they're going to put money back into the economy," he said. (Rick Pearson)

*New tax idea: The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability is offering up models for a graduated tax system in Illinois.

The liberal-leaning group issued a report Monday saying Illinois' current tax policy is "unfair" because the 4.95 percent flat tax rate for individuals imposes "a much higher tax burden as a percentage of income on low- and middle-income households than on high-income households."

The group said Illinois could adopt a graduated income tax that would result in a cut for 98 percent of taxpayers and raise rates on people with incomes of $300,000 and above. The proposal would raise an additional $2 billion for the state, the group says. 

Under one model, the state would keep its current 4.95 percent rate for income of up to $300,000. It would raise the rate to 7.5 percent for income between $300,000 and $400,000; hike it to 8 percent for income between $400,000 and $500,000; increase it to 9.25 percent for income between $500,000 and $1 million. Income above $1 million would be taxed at 9.85 percent. The top rate is what is used in Minnesota.

In that plan, a $300 credit would be applied to lower incomes, and that amount would get smaller as a taxpayer's earnings got higher.

A second model from the group would levy a 4.5 percent tax on income up to $100,000; 4.95 percent on income between $100,000 and $300,000; 8 percent on income between $300,000 and $500,000; 9.25 percent on income between $500,000 and $1 million; and 9.85 percent on income of $1 million or more.

The group said under that model, anyone making under $314,000 of taxable income would see a tax cut of up to $450. 

A federal-style graduated income tax is far from a done deal, of course. Democratic governor candidate J.B. Pritzker supports adopting one but hasn't proposed specific rates, and Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan recently endorsed the idea.

But overhauling Illinois' income tax system would require a change in the state Constitution, which takes the approval of three-fifths majorities in the House and Senate before putting it to voters for ratification. (Rick Pearson)

*Tunney opposed to branch court closure: North Side Ald. Tom Tunney let residents in his 44th Ward know over the weekend he's displeased with a potential Cook County budget settlement that would include closing a branch court near his ward.

"Closing these courtrooms will have a negative impact on crime and will do harm to victims and defendants alike," Tunney wrote in his weekly email newsletter. He said it would force "those charged with crimes and their victims to travel further distances, investing more time and money, to engage in the justice system. This closure must not happen."

He was referring to a proposed settlement of the lawsuit Chief Circuit Court Judge Timothy Evans filed against the county after it passed a budget that included layoffs of more than 155 workers in offices that he oversees. The draft settlement calls for closing two small branch courts, including one at 2452 W. Belmont Ave. as part of a larger effort to save money and avoid the layoffs.

Lawyers on Friday let the judge in the case know there was a draft agreement in the works. They are expected back in court on May 9. (Hal Dardick)

*On the "Sunday Spin": Tribune political reporter Rick Pearson's guests were Bowen, principal at New Chicago Consulting and senior adviser at Mac Strategies Group, plus Welch and Gainer. The "Sunday Spin" airs from 7 to 9 a.m. on WGN-AM 720. Listen to the full show here.

What we're writing

*Assessor candidate's attorney sought $600,000 to drop legal claims against Democratic winner Fritz Kaegi.

*Pritzker rejects Rauner's assertion that third-party candidate is Democratic "pawn."

*JFK inaugural address on vinyl, 1890s Illinois map, Mickey Mouse jacket up for grabs at former U.S. Rep. Dan Rostenkowski estate sale

*Judge in Van Dyke case holds unusual Saturday session, blasts defense for seeking to unseal filing.

*Rauner's veterans affairs director resigns in wake of 13 Legionnaires' deaths at Quincy home.

*Emanuel talks small business ideas at policy event. 

What we're reading

*Golden State Killer case was cold for years. Oak Park native Michelle McNamara kept the story alive.

*Russian MMA fighter with links to Trump and Cohen questioned by FBI before Rosemont bout.

*The boss makes how much? Illinois companies reveal CEO-to-worker pay ratio

Follow the money

*Mayor Emanuel reported $832,200 in contributions, including $250,000 from the Ironworkers Political Education Fund and $100,000 each from the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters PAC and investor Bernard Schwartz.

*Track Illinois campaign contributions in real time here and here.

Beyond Chicago

*North Korea says it will take apart nuclear test site.

*Comey calls House GOP Russia investigation "a wreck."

*Trump goes on the attack in Michigan.

*Sprint and T-Mobile agree to merge

