
2018年1月21日 星期日

Could one of these Democrats save Illinois from itself?

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January 21, 2018


Opinion Express

Could one of these Democrats save Illinois from itself?

Friday, Jan 19

The six Democratic candidates for governor met with the Tribune Editorial Board Friday. They acknowledged a central truth about Illinois: this state is failing to create jobs and its scaring away residents.

Game on! Pritzker parries the 'insider' charge, Kennedy lashes back

Columnist Eric Zorn evaluates how the Democratic candidates for Illinois governor performed in front of the Tribune Editorial Board.

Census 2020: High stakes for Illinois

With the census just two years away, Illinois could be hit by an undercount that robs it of federal funding and political clout. Here's what the state must do to make sure all of its people are counted.

The trouble with Medicaid work requirements

Imposing work requirements for Medicaid, as Kentucky is doing, is more likely to harm health than to penalize shirkers, writes Steve Chapman.

Trump's 'fake news' awards win the prize for flops

As a news story, President Donald Trump's "fake news" awards deserve the grand prize, writes Clarence Page.

75 women killed. They each deserve justice.

Since 2001, 75 women have been strangled or smothered, their bodies dumped in Chicago.

How Col. McCormick set the stage for the Pentagon Papers court victory

The Supreme Court ruling that allowed the Pentagon Papers to be published resulted from another press-freedom lawsuit, Near v. Minnesota.

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.

