
2018年1月3日 星期三

The kind of coach the Bears need

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January 3, 2018


Opinion Express

What the business world knows about leadership (and the Bears don't)

Wednesday, Jan 3

A good football coach is a lot like a good corporate boss: A strategist and motivator who builds a strong team. If only the terrible Chicago Bears could find someone like that.

Trump's misguided ideas about Chicago crime

While President Donald Trump gripes about Chicago crime, the city is finding solutions, writes Clarence Page.

Why 'The Simpsons' can read the future

When jokes about the future come true, they can help soften the blow.

Donald Trump is nakedly fragile

Whatever virtues President Trump and his administration are aiming for, mercy isn't among them. Mercy, after all, is a quality of the strong.

Trump doesn't have some master plan. He's just angry and impulsive.

There is no wizard behind the curtain — just an old, angry, obnoxiously ignorant man.

Rooting for Iran's next revolution

We're rooting for Iran's latest revolutionaries to seize back their country. Here's what Washington can do to help Iranian protesters.

One change to dental care that could save lives, money

A new category of dental care providers could bring health costs down.

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.

