
2018年4月10日 星期二

Community advocates want a say in Amazon's HQ2 planning, plan event including 'giant Alexa costume'

Catch up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield.

Chicago Tribune

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April 10, 2018


Morning Spin


Housing advocates and other community activists — including someone in a "giant Alexa costume" — are going to City Hall on Tuesday, calling on Amazon to help people living in whichever city gets the giant company's new headquarters.

Members of the Grassroots Collaborative are scheduled to hold a news conference to press for community involvement in Amazon's planning. They want living wages in all jobs created by the company, as well as affordable housing guarantees to help stave off gentrification that they warn could push residents out of working-class neighborhoods as thousands of Amazon workers move in.

"This setup is a losing deal for everybody but Amazon," the group said in a news release Monday. "Instead of trying to win the race to the bottom, residents in cities bidding for Amazon are coming together to collectively demand that wherever Amazon HQ2 ends up it actually benefits the people who live and work there."

Grassroots Collaborative spokesman Nathan Ryan said groups are planning events in 20 cities that are finalists for Amazon's "HQ2."

Chicago recently hosted an Amazon team that looked at several sites around the city where Mayor Rahm Emanuel hopes to convince company CEO Jeff Bezos to build the new headquarters. (John Byrne)

What's on tap

*Mayor Emanuel will introduce Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson at the City Club of Chicago and, earlier, congratulate new Police Department officers.

*Gov. Bruce Rauner will attend a Chicago news conference about driving safely in work zones, then speak to the Innovations in Construction, Asphalt, and Transportation Conference in East Peoria. He'll later attend two receptions in Springfield.

*The Illinois House and Senate are in session.

From the notebook

*Brady vs. Pritzker on Amazon: Illinois Senate Republican leader Bill Brady of Bloomington said he believes Bezos will be concerned about higher tax rates, contending that J.B. Pritzker's call for a graduated income tax could doom Chicago in the contest.

"The way we grow our economy is by bringing companies like Amazon to the city of Chicago. Gov. Rauner understands that. Revenue follows that," Brady told reporters after speaking to the City Club of Chicago on Monday.

"I really believe, if what I read about Jeff Bezos and his philosophy at Amazon is the only thing that would keep them from coming here would be the J.B. Pritzker tax increase," Brady said. (Rick Pearson)

*Casinos to pay for Quincy fix? Brady said there have been initial bipartisan talks about the potential for a statewide public works bill funded, at least in part, by expanded casino gambling in the state.

Asked by a reporter later about the talks, Brady said, "It's as real as it's ever been."

"Speaker (Michael) Madigan, I think, wants a capital plan. I know the governor does. I think John Cullerton does. We've had some discussions," Brady said. "You know, everyone going into re-election, it's a difficult year. Everyone would like to be able to show some accomplishment. I'm hoping to leverage that."

Brady noted the long-term desire of Rockford to get a casino. Asked about potential for a Chicago casino, Brady said he was willing to consider it but questioned whether Emanuel wants one.

"I think if Chicago wants it, they should have that same opportunity (as Rockford). I'm talking about whatever people want that moves the state forward. But we've had a hard time getting the mayor interested," Brady said.

Talk of adding casinos in Illinois, of course, has fallen apart many times before. (Rick Pearson)

*The response: Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said, "There are discussions and gaming may figure into it. It's kind of hard to grasp how far things might go." Brown added that as he has in the past, Madigan has recused himself on gaming issues.

Brady's comments came a day after Illinois House Republican leader Jim Durkin appeared doubtful that Democrats would back a large scale infrastructure plan in an election year.

"Does the speaker and the Democrat power structure want to give the governor the ability to go around the state of Illinois and say that we've delivered on a number of projects that have been long overdue, the ribbon-cutting ceremonies and what not? I don't think the Democrats want to give the governor that luxury," Durkin said on WGN AM-720.

But one factor that could move lawmakers toward at least some kind of public works bill is the Illinois Veterans Home at Quincy, where 13 people have died and dozens more have been sickened from Legionnaires' disease since 2015. (Rick Pearson)

*Hampton case expands: The campaign worker who sued Madigan's political operations is expanding the case where she alleged her career got sidelined when she accused a Madigan lieutenant for sexual harassment.

Alaina Hampton has added Madigan-controlled 13th Ward and Democratic Majority political funds as defendants to her federal lawsuit, according to a Hampton statement. She had originally sued Madigan's campaign fund and the state Democratic Party.

"I will continue to seek ways to hold the defendants accountable for the sustained sexual harassment I experienced, because no one should be forced to quit her job because she is unsafe in her workplace," Hampton said in the statement released Monday night.

Hampton, who first told the Tribune of receiving inappropriate texts from former Madigan aide Kevin Quinn, contended in the original lawsuit her effort to stop his unwanted advances effectively prevented her from getting further work on Democratic campaigns.

She first reported the issue to Kevin Quinn's brother, 13th Ward Ald. Marty Quinn, and then sent Madigan a letter in November to his home.

Following a review, Madigan ousted Kevin Quinn from his political operations in February. When the Hampton lawsuit was filed originally in March, Madigan's spokesman said there was not retaliation "against Ms. Hampton in any way." (Ray Long)

*House moves to remove "backdoor tax on poor people": House lawmakers on Monday advanced legislation to make it easier for ex-convicts to have charges cleared from their criminal records by removing requirements they must first pay related fees.

The proposal would instruct judges not to consider unpaid fines and fees when deciding whether to expunge or seal someone's criminal record. Government entities would still be able to pursue collection of unpaid fees by other means.

Sponsoring state Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, a Peoria Democrat, told a House panel that many offenders are unable to clear their records solely because of the fees, saying it amounts to "a backdoor tax on poor people."

"We believe that justice isn't just for those that can afford it," Gordon-Booth added. "It should be for everybody."

The bill is supported by civil rights advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law. The Illinois State's Attorneys Association is opposed.

The issue is one of several initiatives that state lawmakers have recently taken up to make it easier for offenders to re-enter society. The panel also passed legislation Monday aimed at preventing courts from issuing arrest warrants for unpaid fines. (Bill Lukitsch)

What we're writing

*Rauner says he'll prioritize a budget agreement with Democrats, which has eluded him so far.

*Longtime Ald. Michael Zalewski to step down next month. Emanuel will get to appoint replacement.

*Duckworth becomes first woman to give birth while serving in U.S. Senate.

*U. of C. trauma center gains final state approval, set to open May 1.

*Saving landmark Eternal Indian statue in state park may hinge on "1 or 2 charitable angels."

What we're reading

*Shomari Legghette, charged with Chicago commander's murder, compares himself to Trayvon Martin.

*Construction equipment-maker Komatsu to move U.S. headquarters to Chicago.

*Sox played. Cubs didn't.

Follow the money

*Track Illinois campaign contributions in real time here and here.

Beyond Chicago

*FBI raids office of Trump's personal attorney.

*Trump says decision on Syria response could come soon.

*Kucinich's populist campaign for Ohio governor.

*States raise the number of National Guard troops moving to Mexican border

