
2018年4月3日 星期二

The next mayoral election could be Emanuel's toughest yet

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April 3, 2018


Fighting Words

Why this Chicago mayoral election could be Emanuel's toughest yet

Monday, Apr 2

The 2019 Chicago mayoral election will put Rahm Emanuel's seven-year record under the microscope. At least three of his opponents — former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas, and former Blaine Elementary School Principal Troy LaRaviere — stand to leverage their insider knowledge to critique it.

Chicago voters: Tell us which issue you'll be most focused on in the 2019 mayoral race. Police department reform? An elected Chicago Board of Education? Combating crime? Lowering property taxes? Improving public transportation? Write 200-400 words on what matters most to you as a Chicago resident and email it to letters@chicagotribune.com

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