
2018年3月2日 星期五

The case for Toni Preckwinkle

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March 2, 2018


Fighting Words

The case for Toni Preckwinkle

Friday, Mar 2

Yes, the Tribune Editorial Board was critical of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle throughout the soda tax saga. But we're endorsing her over former Ald. Bob Fioretti in the Democratic primary for board president. Here's why.

Pappas for Cook treasurer, no endorsement for clerk

The editorial board endorses Maria Pappas for Cook County treasurer and issues no endorsement in the primary for Cook County clerk.

Democrats' best choice for attorney general is Fairley obvious

Former Gov. Pat Quinn's a good guy, but Sharon Fairley is the Democrats' best choice for Illinois attorney general, Eric Zorn writes.

And in case you missed it: The Tribune Editorial Board also endorsed Fairley in the Democratic primary.

Why won't Obama listen to South Side community organizers?

The Obama Foundation continues its plans build the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park. But readers say it missed a big opportunity.

Putin's nuke boasts: Election bluster? Mortal threat? Or both?

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims his country is readying its arsenal with new nuclear weapons that cannot be intercepted by U.S. and NATO missile defense systems. Does Russia really have such advanced nuclear missile capabilities, or was this Kremlin bluster?

If the Oscars deliver an award mix-up sequel, whom will it star?

The Academy Awards Best Picture snafu of 2017 will haunt this year's Oscars.

Scott Stantis cartoons

Check out the latest cartoons by Tribune editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis.