
2019年1月2日 星期三

How solitary confinement drove a young inmate to the brink of insanity

Breaking News
Chicago Tribune
Jan 2, 2019

A possible 3.5 year Illinois prison term became 22 years in solitary: Anthony Gay used self-mutilation as an escape

Wednesday, January 2, 2019, 8:41 AM CT

Anthony Gay entered Illinois prison as a young man, expecting to serve as little as three and a half years.

Instead, he served 22, mostly in solitary confinement, where he badly and repeatedly mutilated himself. Now, he is suing the state, saying he was denied proper medical care for his mental illness and his incarceration amounted to torture.

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These 10 people could change Chicago's business world in 2019

Breaking News
Chicago Tribune
Jan 2, 2019

These 10 people could change Chicago's business world in 2019

Wednesday, January 2, 2019, 8:35 AM CT

Whether they'll be battling economic inequality, attempting to salvage the vestiges of an American retail icon, or investing in the burgeoning marketplace for legal marijuana, these 10 Chicago business leaders have quite a year ahead of them.

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