
2019年2月6日 星期三

Yes, the Illinois Exodus is 'as serious as a heart attack.'

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February 6, 2019


Fighting Words

Yes, the Illinois Exodus is 'as serious as a heart attack.'

Tuesday, Feb 5

New York's governor says the departure of wealthy residents is partly to blame for his state's multibillion-dollar shortfall in projected state income tax revenue. There's reason to anticipate that some affluent residents of Illinois will reach the same conclusions as their brethren from New York.

If Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam resigns over racist photo, who wins?

This political fight over Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has nothing to do with African-Americans, writes columnist Dahleen Glanton.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's sin looks more like obliviousness than racism

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam deserves a chance at redemption for the sin of white privileged obliviousness 35 years ago, writes columnist Eric Zorn.

Maybe Gov. Ralph Northam should say, 'You first, Mr. President'

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's refusal to leave office in a scandal over a racist photo gives him an opportunity to put his Republican critics, including President Donald Trump, on the spot too, writes columnist Clarence Page.

Joe Ricketts' racist emails require more than lame Cubs response

The emails contain racist conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama being a radical Muslim, fearmongering nonsense about Muslim invaders and textbook white supremacist talking points. And it's clear that Joe Ricketts was all-in, writes columnist Rex Huppke.

Fox Chicago is right to set second mayoral debate, even if it's a kiddie table

Chicago's crowded mayoral race is leaving some candidates miffed by not being included in a WFLD Fox Chicago debate, writes columnist John Kass.

Next crisis, will more of us be like Chicago good Samaritan Candice Payne?

When a good Samaritan picked up the tab for hotel rooms for dozens of homeless people during the polar vortex, it seemed reasonable to assume the benefactor was a rich person. What an empowering surprise to find that it wasn't.

The latest from editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis


