
2019年1月30日 星期三

'Operation Illinois Politics': The FBI is on the prowl

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January 30, 2019


Fighting Words

'Operation Illinois Politics': The FBI is on the prowl

Wednesday, Jan 30

The Justice Department for several years has been methodically exploring the busy intersection of commercial property tax assessment and political clout in Chicago and Illinois. The investigation has reached blockbuster status: The FBI has surreptitiously recorded the speaker of the Illinois House.

Why the Illinois exodus? The rich get bashed, and off they go

Who is leaving Illinois? For the most part, it's people who have the means to do so. Politicians tend to be flippant about working professionals fleeing the state, writes columnist Kristen McQueary. The broader problem: How did we get to a place where wealth, success and entrepreneurship are shame-worthy? And where giving back by these same individuals is largely ignored?

Undecided in the mayor's race? Join the club!

Even people paying close attention are undecided in a Chicago mayoral race featuring a number of highly qualified candidates, writes columnist Eric Zorn.

A jittery prospect for Democrats: Starbucks' Howard Schultz for president

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz tells CBS' "60 Minutes" that he may run for president as an independent. Democrats react with horror. America hasn't seen a wealthy outsider candidate from the business world become president since, um, well, two years ago.

Racism and the gun rights movement: Too close for comfort

Gun fanatics racially attacked a state lawmaker after he called for tighter gun control laws in the aftermath of a deadly shooting at a mall. It became, once again, a heated discussion over why law-abiding citizens who want to carry a firearm should be penalized for the acts of people who carry them illegally. Within that message always has been a thinly veiled racial undertone, writes columnist Dahleen Glanton.

Tom Brokaw was wrong about immigrants but not alone

Former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw was wrong to assert that Hispanic immigrants need prodding to assimilate, but he opens an opportunity for the rest of us to get it right, writes columnist Clarence Page.

Listen up, Chicago restaurants: We don't want to shout.

Chicago Restaurant Week, which started Friday, gives restaurants an opportunity to drum up business and diners a chance to scout new favorites. What a shame if they walk away thinking, "Too noisy. Won't be back."

The latest from editorial cartoonist Scott Stantis


